Experts For Hire

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Experience The Rush...

The Hang 'N Hook Target system is the latest craze sweeping through the target shooting community because its' the quickest, easiest, and least expensive way to set up your own target stand.

Grab the kit, or one of our bundles that includes AR500 steel targets for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere.
We've got a "killer" sale going on right now... But it ends soon!


Notice: Unfortunately , the price of raw steel is up 38% this year.  As a result we will likely have a significant price increase mid August.

Bonus Gift 

Get FREE Access to Our Accuracy Training Course – "The Handgun Sniper" – With Your Purchase!

This online course was designed to make you deadly accurate at 50-yards with your handgun and open sights. 
"In just a few weeks, and less than 150 rounds fired, I was hitting shots at 50-60 yards consistently!  My friends were blown away. 
–  Thomas R.
Price:  $97.99    FREE – When You Order Today!
Video Transcript:

Shooting guns is fun, but shooting paper targets is boring. It's hard to tell when you hit them because they don't move. So then you've got to use some high powered telescope and your photographic memory. Tell me which one of them holes is the new one. Am I right? But that all changed when I got my do-it-yourself Hang'N Hook target kit. It allows me to hang up anything I want to use as a target. And I know when I hit them, because I can see them dance.

This do-it-yourself Hang'N Hook kit is awesome. It comes with all the joint pieces and the hooks. All you've got to do is go down to your local hardware store, spend a couple of bucks and get some electrical conduit. Insert the electrical conduit into the joints, and you've got yourself a perfect shooting paradise in less than 60 seconds. 

And to make it even more fun, you want to add a couple of these AR500 steel targets. These gong targets are made of something called AR500 steel. It's like the Superman of steel, stuff they make cars and stuff out of. And it's the safest steel to be shooting, because it cuts down on the ricochet, stops them bullets from bouncing back in your face. So unless you want the realistic feeling of being shot back at, like you was in the Marines, you should grab one of these gong targets. 

The Hang'N Hook hardware's light and portable, unlike some of those expensive heavy targets that can be harder to move than a pregnant mule [inaudible 00:01:29]. So if you like shooting targets and you want to see them dance, click the link to order your do-it-yourself Hang'N Hook target kit today. And to make it an even bigger no brainer, take advantage of their sure-fire, 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't like it, send her on back for a full refund. 

You'll have more fun shooting guns with your friends with the Hang'N Hook target kit. Friends don't let friends shoot paper targets, or expensive ones. Don't let your friends down. Click the link to order your do-it-yourself Hang'N Hook target kit today. 
Are you still here? Why haven't you clicked the link? Boy, you are slower than a one-legged jackass, I mean donkey. Click the link. You're going to love it.

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